Watch the Video: Pat Sajak Tackles Contestant in Wheel of Fortune

In a bizarre and unexpected turn of events, Pat Sajak, the beloved host of the popular game show Wheel of Fortune, appeared to physically tackle a contestant named Fred Jackson during a recent episode.

In a bizarre and unexpected turn of events, Pat Sajak, the beloved host of the popular game show “Wheel of Fortune”, appeared to physically tackle a contestant named Fred Jackson during a recent episode.

However, it quickly became clear that Sajak was joking around with Jackson, who had revealed earlier in the show that he was a professional wrestler.

Despite not actually engaging in a physical wrestling match with Jackson, Sajak’s actions still raised some eyebrows and prompted a range of reactions from fans of the show.

Some found the exchange to be humorous and entertaining, while others expressed discomfort and concern over Sajak’s behavior.

In addition to this recent incident, Sajak has also been accused of making other contestants feel uncomfortable on the show, such as when he poked fun at a contestant’s fear of fish or pulled a man’s beard.

Regardless of how viewers feel about Sajak’s antics, it’s clear that he continues to be a fixture on “Wheel of Fortune” and that his unique brand of humor and personality are a big part of what makes the show so beloved by audiences around the world.

