Best 12 Pastry Chefs Schools In The World 2023

Whether you have a passion for pastries or simply want to make your baking skills more professional, enrolling in the best pastry schools is a natural first step on the journey to becoming a pastry chef. Some of the most renowned chefs and bakers in the world went through these rigorous programs, so you will

Whether you have a passion for pastries or simply want to make your baking skills more professional, enrolling in the best pastry schools is a natural first step on the journey to becoming a pastry chef. Some of the most renowned chefs and bakers in the world went through these rigorous programs, so you will certainly be in good company by following their example.

And let’s face it: Learning how to whip up fresh custard tarts and buttery croissants is just as much about mastering new techniques as it is about indulging your sweet tooth!

The pastry chefs schools in the world are constantly evolving and changing. This is because they come up with new methods of training their students.

The pastry chefs schools in the world are constantly evolving and changing. This is because they come up with new methods of training their students.

Best 12 Pastry Chefs Schools in the World

The following pastry chefs schools have been ranked as the best 12 pastry chefs schools in the world:

1. Le Cordemarmion, France.

Le Cordemarmion, located in the south of France, is a private school where you can learn pastry arts. The school offers a two-year program that allows students to gain knowledge in baking and pastry arts.

The school has been open since 2001 and is considered as one of the best places to study this field. It has been voted as one of the top schools in France by different publications such as Le Point and L’Express magazines among others.

2. Ecole du Grand Chocolat, Valrhona.

Valrhona is a chocolate company that has been in business since 1930. It is located in France and is known as one of the best schools for aspiring pastry chefs. The school offers short internships and long-term apprenticeships, as well as an opportunity to study at the academy full time. According to their website, they have trained over 3 million pastry chefs over the years!

The Ecole du Grand Chocolat (Ecole) has four locations: Aix en Provence (France), Tokyo (Japan), Shanghai and Singapore. According to their website, there are about 1,000 students every year who attend classes taught by Master Pastry Chefs from all over the world such as Belgium, Japan or South Korea!

3. Culinaire Saisonnier, France.

Culinaire Saisonnier is a school located in the south of France, in the city of Nice.

This institution is well-known for its training program for culinary arts and wine. It has been awarded three stars by Michelin Guide for its excellence in pastry, which shows that students can learn to be great bakers at this school.

The school’s reputation is also well established with many other awards from leading organizations such as ACEP and Ecole Culinaire Française (ECF).

4. Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland.

If you want to make it big as a pastry chef, take your training at Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne. The Swiss Hotel Management School is the oldest and most prestigious hospitality school in the world.

It’s located in Lausanne, Switzerland, and has been in operation since 1879. The school provides undergrad and graduate degree programs to students from around the world who want to become pastry chefs.

It’s a global leader in culinary education, training more than 1700 chefs each year. They have also developed an extensive network of alumni who are ready and willing to help students find jobs after graduation

5. Ritz Escoffier School, Paris.

The Ritz Escoffier School is a French culinary school, based in Paris, France. It is named after Auguste Escoffier and it was opened in 1981 by the Société des Hôteliers et Restaurateurs Français (SHRF) as a new way to train professional chefs.

Today, it is one of the most prestigious culinary schools in the world and has trained many notable chefs such as Alain Ducasse or Gordon Ramsay.

The program lasts for two years full time (or three years part time) during which students get to practice all aspects of cooking under supervision from experienced professionals: pastry making and baking; patisserie; butchery & charcuterie; garde manger; fish cookery; meat cookery; vegetable cookery; sauces & stocks preparation & use etc…

At the end of their studies students take an exam that certifies them as qualified cooks with state-recognized diplomas (CAP).

6. L’Ecole du Grand Chocolat Pastry School, New York City.

L’Ecole du Grand Chocolat Pastry School is located in Manhattan, New York City. It has a 3-year full-time program and the pastry chef will graduate with a degree in Culinary Arts and Pastry Art.

The school also offers other pastry courses like a one-year program, or shorter ones like 6 month, 9 months and 12 months. Students can also take part in 1 week courses or 2 weeks programs.

7. Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts, Paris.

Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts, Paris.

This is a private culinary school located in Paris, France. The school is located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. It offers a Bachelor’s Degree program in Pastry, Baking and Culinary Arts that lasts for 4 years (8 semesters).

The curriculum focuses on practical skills along with theoretical knowledge such as business management and entrepreneurship. Students also learn about food safety standards as well as wine appreciation during their studies at this school.

The programs are taught by renowned chefs from all over the world who have worked internationally including Japan, Spain, Italy and Australia etc., giving students an opportunity to interact with them while they’re still students so they know what they’re getting into when they graduate from Ferrandi School Of Culinary Arts And Get A Job In The Industry!

8. Alain Ducasse Education, Paris.

Alain Ducasse Education offers a wide range of courses in both the kitchen and front of house. The school is a subsidiary of the Alain Ducasse Group, which has over 100 restaurants worldwide. Alain Ducasse Education runs L’Ecole Valrhona Brooklyn, which offers intensive programs for young professionals interested in becoming pastry chefs or chocolatiers.

San Pellegrino Young Chef Academy is located in Dubai, UAE and offers an intense 10-week program focusing on cooking techniques and how to run a successful restaurant business. Students can specialize in either pastry or savory cooking at this academy.

The French Pastry School Chicago IL., one of America’s best pastry schools according to US News & World Report rankings (2019), provides baking classes for novices through experienced bakers who want to hone their skills further before entering the professional world as chefs de partie or sous chefs at top restaurants around the world!

9. Asian Pastry Cup Academy and Official Initial Training Center (OITC) in Singapore.

  • The school is the first and only pastry school in Singapore.
  • It’s an official initial training center (OITC) for the International Association of Pastry Chefs (IAPC).
  • It’s a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP).

10. L’Ecole Valrhona Brooklyn, New York City.

L’Ecole Valrhona Brooklyn, New York City

This pasty school was founded in 2015 by chef Didier Rosada and is a branch of the L’Ecole Valrhona in Paris. It is located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The school offers courses in restaurant management, culinary arts and pastry arts. The school’s curriculum focuses heavily on chocolate production and production of other pastries.

Students will have access to professional equipment as well as an excellent learning environment with modern amenities like kitchens with stoves, refrigerators and dishwashers; classrooms with computers that run software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator;

Two large kitchens for all cooking classes; several offices for staff members; storage rooms for ingredients used throughout classes; a glass-enclosed fermentation room that holds temperature-controlled refrigerators (at temperatures between 25°F – 30°C)

where students can store dough during class time so that it does not go stale before baking day arrives; a bakery section where students bake breads from scratch using traditional methods handed down from generation to generation over centuries prior; spacious dining halls filled with tables designed to accommodate up to 24 people at once so everyone has room when eating meals together after class each day.”

11. San Pellegrino Young Chef Academy in Dubai.

The San Pellegrino Young Chef Academy in Dubai offers a variety of courses, facilities and instructors to help students hone their pastry skills. The school also has a variety of students, who come from all over the world to study under these great teachers.

In addition to its classes, this academy has many activities that include trips around the city and cooking competitions. The school is located at the Burj Al Arab Hotel where it can be found on level 8-10 by simply taking an elevator up from level 2 where we entered after arriving via taxi.

12. French Pastry School Chicago IL.

French Pastry School Chicago is a culinary school located in Chicago, Illinois. The school was founded in 1991 and offers a pastry chef certificate program. French Pastry School Chicago is also a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP).

The French Pastry School offers rolling admissions for its bakery and pastry certificate programs, which allows students to start their education at any time throughout the year.

Students who apply for the comprehensive culinary education program must have at least 12 months of prior professional cooking experience or be enrolled in an apprenticeship program or other formal culinary training before they are eligible to apply.

Students can also participate in either on-campus classes or online courses offered by The French Pastry School through their partner institutions Le Cordon Bleu Schools North America (LCBNA).

Have fun while learning to become a pastry chef!

If you love to cook, are creative and good at math, then a career as a pastry chef could be just right for you. A pastry chef is responsible for creating desserts and pastries that go into most main courses. Pastry chefs also do things like decorate cakes, cookies and other food items with frosting or chocolate decorations.

Pastry chefs need to know how to bake properly so they don’t get sick when working with sugar or flour all day long! They also must be able to create new recipes on their own time because they might be asked by their employers in restaurants or bakeries if they can come up with something new every once in awhile!


We hope that our recommendations helped you to choose a school that fits your goals. Whether you are just starting out or want to level up your skills, keep on practicing and stay positive.

