what is the safest country in the world

In the quest for peace and safety, certain nations have consistently stood out as beacons of security and tranquility. The Global Peace Index (GPI) ranks countries based on their levels of safety and peacefulness, offering a valuable snapshot of global security.

In the quest for peace and safety, certain nations have consistently stood out as beacons of security and tranquility.

The Global Peace Index (GPI) ranks countries based on their levels of safety and peacefulness, offering a valuable snapshot of global security.

As of 2023, Iceland has retained its position as the world’s safest country for the 14th consecutive year, according to the GPI.

Let’s explore the attributes and rankings of the world’s safest countries and what they have in common.

The Global Peace Index (GPI)

The Global Peace Index is an annual report published by the Institute for Economics and Peace.

This independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization aims to shift the world’s focus to peace as a positive measure of human well-being and progress.

The GPI evaluates 163 countries based on 23 indicators, encompassing internal and external conflicts, trust levels, political stability, potential for terrorism, homicides, and military expenditures.

These indicators fall into three categories: Ongoing International Conflict, Societal Safety and Security, and Militarization.

Countries are assigned scores, and lower scores indicate higher rankings in terms of safety.

Top 10 Safest Countries in the World (2022 Global Peace Index)

1. Iceland – Score: 1.107
2. New Zealand – Score: 1.269
3. Ireland  – Score: 1.288
4. Denmark – Score: 1.296
5. Austria – Score: 1.300
6. Portugal  – Score: 1.301
7. Slovenia  – Score: 1.316
8. Czech Republic  – Score: 1.318
9. Singapore – Score: 1.326
10. Japan  – Score: 1.336

 Is the World Becoming More or Less Safe?

According to the 2022 GPI report, the world has seen a decrease in safety over the past 14 years, with average per-country scores deteriorating by 3.2%.

The most significant declines occurred in countries facing conflicts, including Russia, Ukraine, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Haiti. Notably, Europe has maintained its position as the most peaceful region for 16 consecutive years.

The Safest Continent in the World

A majority of the top 25 safest countries are in Europe, with the Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland) being particularly prominent.

These nations not only rank among Europe’s safest but also claim spots in the top 25 globally, showcasing the region as the world’s safest.

Europe and Asia consistently boast the lowest homicide rates, with three or fewer incidents per 100,000 inhabitants.

 Qualities of the World’s Safest Countries

Several commonalities unite the world’s safest countries.

These nations tend to exhibit high levels of wealth, social welfare, and education.

Additionally, they maintain effective criminal justice systems and enjoy positive government-citizen relationships.

Profiles of the World’s Top 10 Safest Countries

1. Iceland: Iceland has held the top spot for 14 years due to its low crime rate, high living standards, trust in the police force, and a lack of social and economic tension. Iceland’s commitment to equality, including legal same-sex marriage and equal pay, contributes to its safety.

2. New Zealand: Known for its rare violent crimes and absence of deadly wildlife, New Zealand is a welcoming and safe destination.

3. Ireland: Ireland’s jump to the third spot in 2022 is attributed to low crime rates and minimal cultural violence or terrorism. Caution is needed on the country’s breathtaking cliffs and winding roads.

4. Denmark: Denmark’s high level of equality and strong social welfare contribute to citizens’ feelings of safety.

5. Austria: While Austria has peaceful surroundings, it is also safe, with low crime rates and rare acts of terrorism.

6. Portugal: Portugal’s armed police presence has contributed to a decreased crime rate. The nation has also experienced economic resurgence, decreasing unemployment rates.

7. Slovenia: Slovenia stands out for travel security, medical risks, and road safety, making it a secure destination.

8. Czech Republic: The Czech Republic has seen a decline in violent crime and low incidence of terrorism and natural disasters.

9. Singapore: With one of the lowest crime rates globally, Singapore strictly controls firearms, making it one of the safest city-states.

10. Japan: Japan has maintained a top-ten position due to its low crime rates, minimal internal conflict, and lack of political unrest. Japan’s strict control of firearms contributes to its safety.

Safety and peace are invaluable assets that many nations aspire to attain.

The Global Peace Index provides an annual insight into the safest countries in the world.

Countries that consistently rank highly in terms of safety share common characteristics, including economic prosperity, social welfare, education, effective criminal justice systems, and positive government-citizen relationships.

These qualities contribute to their reputation as some of the safest places on Earth, making them attractive destinations for residents and travelers alike.

