Resurrection Power New Generation Church

Rev Anthony Kwadwo Boakye is the founder of Resurrection Power of New Generation, Kasoa, Ghana. resurrection power new generation church is a Pentecostal charismatic ministry. It has branches almost everywhere in Ghana.

Rev Anthony Kwadwo Boakye is the founder of Resurrection Power of New Generation, Kasoa, Ghana. resurrection power new generation church is a Pentecostal charismatic ministry. It has branches almost everywhere in Ghana.  

Resurrection Power New Generation Church Pastor

The Resurrection Power New Generation Church is a Pentecostal-Charismatic organization with branches all over Ghana. Rev Dr. Anthony Kwadwo Boakye is the general overseer and senior pastor. He preaches the Crusades with the slogan “Jesus Encounter Saves Lives” every month throughout the country under the name “The Anthony Kwadwo Boakye Outreach Ministry.” Rev. Boakye was called into God’s ministry more than thirteen years ago, and God’s mandate for him is to plunder hell, expose Satan’s schemes, heal, deliver, and win souls for the Kingdom of God. As a result, his ministry is known for its remarkable healings, which manifest God’s power.

The trending news of Mrs. Margaret Boakye

Mrs. Margaret Boakye who is the wife of Rev Anthony Kwadwo Boakye has been in trending news about her being caught on CCTV camera slapping church elders over tithes. Reports claim that she voiced her complaint about the church’s disgruntled members’ threats to demand their tithes during the ceremony. Tithes are paid to God, not the pastor or anybody else, she is heard yelling at them and stating in her outburst.

She reportedly received a slap after telling the congregation that she couldn’t stand up to their “nonsense of coming for their tithing.” After her husband’s illness, she was featured in the headlines for the wrong reasons.

Let see one review about the church

Only when you follow God’s will do miracles, signs, and marvels take place in that lovely place of worship where God’s great hand is active.

In the church, there is the unadulterated word of God, holiness practice, and order. Buses from 52 locations in Accra to the church are provided at no cost by the church, as well as free transportation from the church to the location.

The only major church in Ghana that has held monthly crusades since its founding in 2002 and that has grown to include 112 branches nationwide and eight abroad in the past 16 years. A location where you can truly experience God’s presence and worship

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